

Dialect and Idiolect

In any language, the different linguistic differences are present. this involves pronunciation, writing, even reading norms. O´Grady (2005) exposes this varieties considered as a dialect. The dialect is the language structure that a community has. In other words, "dialects are mutually intelligible forms of language that differ in systematic ways." (Fromklin, 2011, p.430).

Radford (2000) adds to dialect perception the linguistic variation, creating regular patterns. This variation give us as a result that every person inside a community or a region, has a different version of the dialect called idiolect. For Fromklin (2011), idiolect is the speaker's individual language. The idiolect is unique for each person and build due to age, sex, the time required to learn a language and when did the individual learned the language and, for instance, the social environment.

Introduction to Linguistics
Juan Valadez, Nelly Paez, Alejandro Vazquez, Fernanda Arroyo y Raúl Ríos
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